In the months leading up to the hugely successful 100,000 plus demonstration in London on 20th March this year, the Totalitarian State had been relatively successful in targeting our Movement in the capital.
Their tactic was simple, spread police across central London to target us as we make our way from the various tube and train stations. The police were quick to move in and harass, fine or arrest anyone appearing as if they may be looking to assemble for a protest. Their primary target were ‘organisers’ or those with megaphones looking like leaders rallying together groups of our people.
One of my arrests took place in exactly this situation – a uniformed police ‘spotter’ on a bicycle quickly radioed in and guided a large number of his colleagues in vans onto our group of around thirty protesters. We were attempting to make our way to Trafalgar Square, from St James’s Park, to muster up with any other groups we could find. This had happened to many members of our Movement time and again.
A stunning success
Then it changed. The 20th March demo had been widely advertised and feedback for its attendance looked optimistic; but what we did not know was just how massive it was going to be! The police tactic simply did not, and could not work this time due to our sheer numbers heading into the centre of London. Once massed together at Hyde Park, our victory was certain. The police however did try several times to stop and contain our march that day, but we simply pushed them aside with ease with steel in our veins and vastly overwhelming numbers. Johnson and Patel would have be aghast, as were the police.
The word quickly spread of our success, with pictures, videos and testimony of a wonderful day for liberty shared across social-media. Despite the State-media entirely ignoring our achievement, our Movement became electrified with a fresh new vigour and energy across the country and beyond. And it was only the beginning!
The 24th April London – The Mega-march
Once again we began to fill Hyde Park early that day long before the march was due to start – and it simply didn’t stop filling! Conservative estimates are of well over half a million freedom loving people marched as one that day! It was vast.
It was very obvious from the beginning of that day that something had changed. This time there were no police at the stations, there were no police stopping people walking to the park; there seemed to be a fresh and liberated feel about the city as if a great weight had been lifted. This sparked a carnival atmosphere and a palpable feeling of solidarity filled the air.
During that march not once did the police deploy en-mass to try and stop us, they didn’t even attempt to target those of us with megaphones as with past demos; we were entirely unharassed for its full duration. Many police in fact engaged warmly with us, chatting and sharing a joke along the route. I even saw an officer give a thumbs up at group of children proudly holding their placards aloft. The police during that march acted as we would want and expect our police to behave, with humility and respect - needless to say that was fully reciprocated by us.
The State know that we can now turn out huge numbers, effectively neutering its ability to stop us on the London streets, without risking a situation that could quickly get out of all control. If that were to happen with so many children participating, public opinion would likely turn against the State in even greater numbers, with images that even its media-puppets would find impossible not to print. Either way, The State loses.
Fine and punishment
The State originally introduced unconstitutional, demeaning and outright illegal ‘fines’ early on in this travesty, believing that we would all be so petrified of them, we would happily surrender our freedoms to avoid them. Speaking as a person with four unpaid so far, I can state they are nothing to be concerned about and I believe they will all eventually be nullified in time.
The State’s ‘punishment through fining’ program simply has not had the effect they had hoped it would. Even the ludicrous and arbitrary sum of £10,000 summarily handed to anyone the State or police believe to be the ‘organisers’ of our demonstrations, has in fact failed to stop a SINGLE one of our protests!
A different type of attack
‘Agent provocateurs’, ‘informants’ or ‘State plants’ have been used by all governments and states across the ages to gain inside information, and cause harm to organisations that displease them – and we are no different.
One of the indicators of such activities are the casting of baseless accusations of financial impropriety by an agent, usually aimed at the ‘organisers’ or ‘key individuals’ within movements such as ours.
The reason for this is simple – grassroots movements by definition are not funded by any big institutions or State-funded ‘charities’, etc. Every single penny we need for our cause comes directly out of the pockets of the hard-pressed people that make up our Movement on the streets. It is therefore a highly emotive point of contention for a person to find themselves accused of such wrongdoing. It is a repulsive method to try and sew discord within a movement, but make no mistake, the State will not think twice of using it on us.
Our defence to this is simple. If any of our people find themselves under such malicious attack from an individual, we remain calm, focused and pull together as one big family. The accuser is to be named along with their accusations as far and wide as possible, and a firm and transparent response given, closing them down entirely.
With nothing to hide the accusation will be found baseless and the accuser ‘outed’ never to be trusted again. They will usually retreat back under the rock they crawled from at this point. This way of dealing with State assets will also have a galvanising effect, with the further tightening together of our Movement after dealing with another futile attempt to disrupt us. We will play judo with our enemies, and use their own weight to help throw them to the floor!
The longer this oppressive global nightmare drags on, the better equipped and experienced we will be in dealing with the attacks made against us by a State desperate to silence us!
We are a branch of a mighty tree, we will bend in any storm and grow stronger by the day.
We will never be stopped, for to be defeated would mean certain slavery for our children.
Matt Single
One Movement for Freedom