What another momentous day for freedom in London! Estimates are coming in now of well over 500,000 demonstrators – once again this is not a typo. I’ll write that again - 500,000 +!
It was so vast it took over one and a half hours to walk by! It was the biggest march I have ever seen.
This Totalitarian State did not even attempt to try and stop us. Back on the 20th March we pushed the police aside like paper; we were over 100,000 strong – today they didn’t even bother coming to the party!
The sound was deafeningly wonderful, with music, drums and megaphones. The smell of burning sage and brightly coloured smoke marked our route as we snaked through the streets, turning this outpouring of love and freedom into a giant carnival.
We have once again defied the fascist diktats of this State that so arrogantly believed it could behave in any way it wanted without the people fighting back – but they were very wrong! Its mass-media propaganda arm do not know what to make of our mass-demonstration today it was so huge.
The media have been busy telling more lies desperately trying to grossly downplay our numbers today. However, media lies, along with the endless list of lies from their masters in government mean nothing to us, because once our Movement starts hitting the million plus mark, and every single person in this country are either attending them, or know someone that is, its lies will crumble away to nothing.
Once again, today proves beyond any doubt the power we have as a Movement!
When the State say NO do not come to London! And we say YES we will! And it doesn’t even try to stop our army, we know we are starting to win this fight!
Matt Single
One Movement for Freedom